What did you want to be when you were young?

photo courtesy of flazingo.com
Photo courtesy of flazingo.com

Unit Two of our Personal Finance Course focuses on careers and taxes. Careers are more than just a job. Careers involve work that you invest in, that give your a growth trajectory in your life.  Since the students in this class are juniors and seniors, careers are something you are beginning to think about – especially as you think about college. I thought it would be interesting to have a class discussion about what some of your earliest career goals were and if they have changed as you have matured. For instance, when I was five I wanted to be an actress, artist, nun, and teacher. Obviously – I became a teacher, but elements of art, acting and spirituality are still evident in my life. In the comments below, post what you wanted to be when you were little and if that is different now! Anyone else (not in our class) that feels like sharing is also welcome!

8 thoughts on “What did you want to be when you were young?”

  1. I’ve always wanted to be a teacher. 🙂 Though, I thought I wanted to be a Kindergarten teacher for the longest time. That all changed when I met my 9th English teacher. Now, I can’t imagine teaching anything other than secondary.

    1. High school definitely has it’s rewards and I’m not sure I would have the energy for all the “extra” stuff that elementary requires, but I do love working with 8 and 9 year olds so I have considered an MAT in K – 5.

  2. I have wanted to be a teacher ever since I can remember. I had a very influential coach who was also a Kindergarten teacher. After spending time in her classroom, I knew Kindergarten is exactly what I wanted. I got my first teaching job, teaching Kindergarten! I loved it! Now I teacher First Grade and love it! So, I never changed my career choice and am so glad that I didn’t!

    1. Awesome. While I always wanted to teach, I could never quite figure out what I wanted to teach. I considered art for a long time.

  3. Pretty early on, probably around 4th grade, I knew I wanted to be either a nurse or a teacher. After nearly failing chemistry my freshman year of college, I decided teaching was probably the best career for me:) The funny thing is, I now teach 6th grade science – but I still stay away from too much chemistry!!

    1. That is interesting. I remember wanting to be a nurse at one point but chemistry would have been my downfall as well.

  4. I always wanted to be a singer. It is probably just as well that I am reduced to singing things like the quadratic formula to Pop Goes the Weasel and the old Sesame Street standby “One of these things is not like the other….” to help with multiple choice strategies. I do NOT have the voice of an angel lol.

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